Monday, October 10, 2011

2011-October-10: Day 56

Up at the breakabreaka dawn.  Well, 7, but it was all cold and rainy outside.  Got up, got ready, went back to my juice dude for a jugo verde, walked up Parque Lira to the Constituyentes orange line metro stop, hopped on, two stops to Polanco, got off and got lost.  Only minorly; quickly corrected it and walked and walked and worried I would be late for my Berlitz appointment!  Luckily I gave myself an extra hour or so, and made it with a couple minutes to spare.  Took my English exam...I'm assuming I didn't ace it only because there were 3 or 4 questions with whom's grammatical layout/sentence structure I disagreed.  So we'll say I scored...98.  Then the interview: swimmingly.  Then I had to pee like effin' mad.  Correction: I had to pee before arriving at the Berlitz center and now I was writhing in pain, trying to walk my ass back down to the Polanco station with as much haste as possible.  P.S. I made it.  Back home I made some ham and scrambled eggs, to be eaten with Challah bread.  Went for a run (a good-sized one at that!), walked Greta, ate way too much ice cream, and kicked it.

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