Wednesday, September 21, 2011

2011-September-19: Day 35

Rumor has it the poker night was on some Snoop Doggy Dogg steez in which "parties don't stop till six in the moooooooornin'!" or 7, actually. I think I woke around 10 or 11 and greeted the day and this little rascal:

Being that she is a little kid, Diana obviously became my best friend of the trip thus far. She was hesitant at first, but we quickly started having tons of fun and the time flew until Gabriela returned con una otra Gaby and we cruised the town. We ran an errand, then made our way to El Parque Mexico, stopping for crepes along the way (I ordered a lime and sugar one). We admired the dogs and the scenery, then plopped down in a cement area mainly used for futbol and gabbed the day away before returning to Gabriela's and gabbing the night away. Get it: "gab." Anyway, after the park we went to a book store, which is always cause for enjoyment, and suggested books/authors to each other. Then, being maybe 7pm, we drove back to Gabriela's, and a little later I bought a tamal (mole):

Umm, then we just sat around, Las Gabys had a couple brewskies and we shot the shit.

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