Saturday, September 10, 2011

2011-September-9: Day 25

The Shit Hole

Admittedly I didn't have to spend my day in a shit hole, but the prospect was looming, and as such we headed out for work late. Anyway, we got out to Las Campanas, surveyed the scene, opened up the sewage tank and made arrangements to replace the two busted pumps. Needless to say, an underground enclosure meant to house, pump, and remove shit starts to smell pretty rank pretty quickly, especially when the pumps are not pumping away said excrement... We had put a pump in yesterday to clean the place out, then washed some water through, but still, the time came to trudge down into the depths (the tank was about 9 feet deep, probably the same circumference [a cylindrical housing]). I remained topside to hand down tools, plug and unplug stuff, check water, you know, unimportant stuff that didn't require rubber gloves and boots.

Later, I went into town and picked up some fresh buffalo mozzarella, a basil plant, and a bunch of vino (a 2008 Trimbach Gewurztraminer, a 2010 Lacheteau Vouvray, an Herederos Del Marques De Riscal 2005 Rioja, and two Moscatos). I used four ultra juicy, delicious heirloom tomatoes from the backyard, marinated some chunks of "regular" fresh mozzarella and the chunks of buffalo mozzarella in some oils, basil leaves, roasted fennel seeds, oregano, salt and pepper, put them on a plate with the wedges of heirlooms, lightly drizzled in olive oil of course, and went to town with a pairing of the Marques De Riscal and then a Moscato for dessert!

Here's Sara's pre-burning shot of Zozobra!

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